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Popular Makeup Trends To Try Out This Summer
| Makeup Artists Near Minnetonka MN
Summer is finally here, which means that it’s time to start getting your summer wardrobe in order, and that includes your makeup. As many people know, makeup trends are constantly changing with the times and the seasons. For those who are looking to get experimental with their makeup or try something new out, here are some of the top makeup trends that are popular to consider trying out this summer: Makeup Artists Near Minnetonka MN
Dewy Skin
Perhaps the number-one selling item this summer is cream blush. Cream blush helps to give your skin that fresh, dewy, and summery look that perfectly suits the hot summer weather. Using cream blush or other dewy makeup products helps to give your skin that beautiful summer glow that many people try to achieve during summertime.
Colored Mascara
Another makeup trend that has been gaining popularity recently is colored mascara. While traditionally black and brown tones have been the most popular choices for mascara, colored mascara has been shaking things up for a while now and allows for a more unique, dynamic, and vibrant look. If you’re looking to add some more color to your look, then you should consider using colored mascara and colored eyeliner.
Swept-Up Eyebrows & Eyelashes
Lastly, swept-up eyebrows and swept-up eyelashes have become increasingly popular recently. The swept-up eyebrows and eyelashes look pairs well with the dewy makeup look and helps to give your face that subtle yet beautiful glow. Swept-up eyebrows and eyelashes give you that naturally beautiful look that many people strive for.
If you would like to have your makeup professionally done, or would like to learn more about how to apply makeup as well as different makeup techniques, then contact Lynne Kuhn, the best makeup artist in Minnetonka MN, today.
Bridal Makeup Minnetonka MN |
Luminous Looks by Lynne
If you’re interested in getting your bridal makeup done by a professional, click here to contact Lynne Kuhn at Luminous Looks, your local makeup artist in Minnetonka Minnesota. You can call me at 651.235.1305, or send me an email at